Sunday, August 1, 2010

Learning Reflection

Really enjoying the UNconference. Stimulating and challenging which is great.
The children are enjoying hearing about it and help me apply new learning -
and give advice for better options, e.g. using Garageband for podcasting
instead of Audacity. I'd still like to play around with audacity though.
Scott and Samantha have really liked being able to further apply their
learning from Enrich. Really helps value and support them. The others
in the class think it's great to have extra experts!!
Have joined the Habits of Mind Teacher network. I belonged to a similar
site for years but this one is far more relevant and provides direct links
to the NZ Curriculum which is fantastic. Lots of good connections to
Australia too. The children are very excited about learning about another
tool that can help them be the best they can be. We are learning about the
Habits through a pretty amazing picture book from Art Costa.
This is also another way of linking Enrich to the classroom.
Looking forward to seeing how this amazing class applies their learning
in this area.

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